Friday, July 25, 2014

Photoshop CS5,Filter Gallery grayed out error solved

Here is how it solved for me,

I go to image-mode-change CMYK to RGB,I have heard toggling between 8 to 16 bits or 32 bits work too.

Photoshop CS5,can not type in multiline in one textbox in one layer error solved

I faced this irritating issue,

Here how it got solved

I reset the character panel(click on the rightmost symbol at the top of the character panel).

Turn off the numlock.

Right click on the the first arrow sign from left under file and then Reset tool or Reset all tools.

and then I seem to type multiline on a textbox in just one layer

Sunday, July 13, 2014

"joomla installation hangs at creating database tables" solved

I had this peculiar error when configuring Joomla 3,I never saw this before

anyway here is how it got solved

Change mysqli to mysql during installation

Then I go to the root folder (htdocs) and then go the folder where I am going to install joomla,then extract joomla in that folder and then go to installation/SQL/mysql and there is the installation joomla.sql file,all ENGINE=InnoDB should be changed to ENGINE=MyIsam.

And you are done.

Sourav Bhattacharya