Enable Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference
Option Explicit
Const form_filename As String = "C:\Users\allso\Desktop\New Customer Registration Form.pdf"
Sub read_pdf_form_vals()
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim tStream As TextStream
Dim vLine As String, vKey As String, fieldlist() As Variant, arrIndx As Integer
Dim i As Integer
vKey = ") Tj"
Set tStream = fso.OpenTextFile(form_filename, ForReading, False)
Do While Not tStream.AtEndOfStream
vLine = tStream.ReadLine
If InStr(vLine, vKey) > 0 Then
vLine = Replace(Right(vLine, Len(vLine) - 1), vKey, "", 1)
ReDim Preserve fieldlist(0 To arrIndx)
fieldlist(arrIndx) = vLine
Debug.Print vLine
arrIndx = arrIndx + 1
End If
'Debug.Print vLine
For i = UBound(fieldlist) To LBound(fieldlist) Step -1
Debug.Print fieldlist(i)
Next i
Set tStream = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Sub