Thursday, February 4, 2010

Threesome (1994):Bold,Beautiful and Thought Provoking

Review By :Sourav Bhattacharya

This is the third time i have seen this movie,and it's greatness never seem to evaporate,the spring of our life "youth" and at that period three children of nature bold enough to explore who they really are,this sensuous adventure is being depicted here very elegantly.Now we live in a hypocritical and extremely cynical society which influences us to be just the way it wants us to be,the social notation of good and bad drives us in every moments of our life and at this situation movies like this are the holy rebel formation of us which help us escape from all the daily drudgery and frame subconsciously the eternal question of "What if........"

I personally found "IMDB.COM" very authentic on reviewing this movie,this is the latest review
of "threesome"(1994) in IMDB,

"the chemistry between the characters on screen is amazing. The realiztation of homosexuality is touching, and also, the fond descriptions that eddy gives throughout the movie is so sweet, verging on bittersweet towards the end. But while i go on about its senitmentality, i have not even begun to express the blatant exploration of sexuality and the funny ways in which all the characters can pull them off. You'll never look at garden gnomes in the same way i can tell you. The ending is so inexplicably satisfying that the only words the need to express after watching this monumental summarization of 90's sexuality is "Let's go back to college!"

Sourav Bhattacharya

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